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Centrality of Jesus

We believe that it is through Jesus Christ, and only Jesus Christ, and his perfect obedience and sacrifice of himself, that we are fully reconciled with God in this life and the next. As Christians, we confess that Jesus, fully human and fully divine, is both our Lord who claims our devotion and our Savior whose death on the cross secures our forgiveness. Jesus is Head of the Church and calls us to follow him and serve Him in the world. Everything we do at Rabun Gap Presbyterian centers on lifting up the name of Jesus and inviting people to know Him.

Authority of Scripture

We believe the Bible is the unique and authoritative Word of God, which teaches all that is necessary for faith and life. The prominence of God’s Word over our lives shapes our priorities, and the unrivaled authority of the Bible directs our actions to be in concert with Christ’s very best for our lives.



“Presbyterian," is rooted in the Greek word presbuteros, which means "elder." This concept defines our system of church government, structured around a group of elders elected by the congregation—the same system of government upon which our country’s democratic philosophies were founded. To be Presbyterian also means we are Presbyterian or “Reformed” in our theology. Reformed theology is a systematic way of understanding Christian beliefs. These essential beliefs include the sovereignty of God, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the authority of the Bible for faith and life, and our individual duty to be a minister of Christ at all times and in all places.



The word “evangelical” literally means “good news”. We are “evangelical” in that we believe that the good news of Jesus Christ for the world changes lives. We believe Jesus is who he says he is – “the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one can have a relationship with God except through Jesus”. We believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ changes us and reshapes our life purpose. Because God has changed our lives for good, we want everyone to know Him.



We believe God has a mission and is at work in every arena of the world we live in to reconcile people to Himself through Jesus Christ. We, as people who follow Jesus, are to join His work in the world. We join his work in our everyday lives. We strive to live our lives in such a way that the way we work and live points people to our Father in heaven. In essence, to be missional means that the church (all Christians) with Jesus as its leader, has her focus not inwardly, but rather outwardly as the heart and hands of Jesus Christ himself, actively directing our energies to the people we serve and the world in which we live so that all would know Him.

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